Culminating Summative Task

BOH4M1-02-Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals

1) professional Interview

You will interview someone currently in a managerial role within any organization. You will create at least five relevant and insightful questions to ask this manager. The goal of your questions is to obtain responses that relate to some elements of our course content and your knowledge of managerial best practices, e.g., the 4 Functions of Management: Leading, Planning, Controlling and Organizing.

2) current News

You will need to find two current (published within the last 4 months) news articles that have some connection to course content and learning.

3) Real world connections

You will make at least one course content/learning connection to an online video source (example: TEDTalk video or other) of your selection

4) Personal intent Statement

You will create a personal intent statement. This is a several-paragraph statement that quickly captures your abilities and where you are heading in your life.

5) leadership quotes

Locate three leadership quotes from a real current or former organizational leader. You will create a visual poster or collage built around the quotes