personal intent Statement

I could divide my point of strength into two macro sections: the innate qualities and those learned.
My innate qualities could be described by five adjectives: ambitious, analytical, efficient and hard-working.
Ambitious because I never settle for the "comfort zone," I always want to be challenged to achieve better results in a better way.
Analytical because I make logic and objective data my religion. I follow the data meticulously without neglecting even one, thus allowing me to make forecasts well in advance of the general trend and be able to anticipate the trends of the future.
Efficient and hard-working because I always put 100% of myself into an activity that I have to complete, but at the same time, I manage my time to the best of my ability to find time for extra training activities or to manage my personal life.
Moreover, I am a fast learner, and it takes me very little time to learn a new task.

Among the qualities learned, I would insert my mnemonic abilities because I train my memory through the memorization of recurring patterns. I would also add my understanding of the various languages: I speak three languages fluently and, with the right stimuli, I can learn a language at a basic level in no time.
I also have some experience in interpreting and translating written texts. Culture is also one of my strong points. I love learning new things and cultures more and more. In particular, the fields I prefer are music, literature (in 4 languages, of which one is dead) and technology.

There are also many things where I would like to improve myself.
For example, I would like to improve myself on my human side. Open up more with people and listen to my emotions and instincts rather than relying only on cold logic. Another aspect that I would like to improve is the ability to say no. Too many times I get stuck in activities that take away a lot of time and energy to do a favour to anyone who asks me, depriving me of time for myself and being able to spend time with the people I love the most.
Finally, another small thing that I would like to improve on myself, is the ability to say: "Enough Tommaso. That’s okay, you can’t do more."
The constant search for perfection creates not only great difficulties in terms of time waste but also difficulties with my mental health, creating me similar-depressive states when I am not 100% satisfied with a result I have achieved.

The possibilities for my future occupations at the moment are wide and varied, but all have one point in common: a university-type education.
I believe that at this moment my most probable profession is university professor of astrophysics or researcher of astrophysics at various universities around the world.
I do not, however, hide the fact that I would not mind having a diplomatic role as an Italian ambassador or consul abroad, but I would also be happy to work as an interpreter for international bodies such as the UN.